Friday, 24 January 2025


After the cool morning shots that I went out to capture (and which you saw in my last post) this was my second objective.
The previous day I had been told that there was a pair of Red-Breasted Merganser on the lake and some Goldeneye and I had even seen this pair of Goosander swimming around so I hoped to get some shots of these and the other species mentioned. As it turned out the Goldeneye were too far out on the lake to get a clear picture and there was no sign of any red-breasted merganser. The Goosander is also known as the common merganser and is larger than the red breasted variety. I do wonder whether someone had confused the two and reported the wrong species or whether I had missed out.
Even so it was nice to watch this pair swimming, and feeding together, they certainly make an elegant couple, and I was pleased to be able to get these shots.
I was interrupted in my efforts by a guy who wanted to talk about a range of topics from cameras to film making, street photography and even revolution. He had some interesting anecdotes and ideas some of which were quite compelling. However, while I might share my thoughts about different things from time to time I will try to avoid making this blog political and keep the focus largely on photography and the images themselves.

Have a great day.