Saturday 18 August 2018

The Gondoliers

Here's a question for you; when you are in Venice what counts as street photography?

I figure that since the "streets" are mostly waterways then anything on land or water can count...

Today's offering are two shots from Venice at twilight, the first looking across the lagoon towards San Giorgio Maggiore and the second of a Gondolier about to set off onto the Grand Canal near San Marco and with a view of the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute in the background.

I didn't realise at the time I took the first shot that the woman in the gondola is sat up front taking pictures while her partner is sat back on the comfy seats. Now I never want to miss a good shot and anyone who has gone anywhere with me when I have my camera will know that I am always on the lookout and I often get left behind as I stop to take a photo (or two, or three) and I am always grateful for the patience of my companions who allow me to indulge my passion with few complaints. However, I think that if I had shelled out a handsome sum of money for a romantic twilight ride in a Gondola around one of Europe's finest cities and my partner was more interested in the view than in me I would feel like pushing them overboard. 

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