Thursday 23 August 2018

Back To The Web

When I visited Graz I specifically wanted to see the Murinsel, which is described as a unique artificial island which is set in the River Mur between the old Innere Stadt on one bank and the more contemporary district which is home to Kunsthaus Graz another super modern architectural design.

The island is connected to the banks on either side by walkways making this structure easily accessible. It was designed by the New York City artist Vito Acconci and was constructed to celebrate Graz becoming the European Capital of Culture in 2003.  It is described by the artist as "a bowl that morphs into a dome, that morphs into a bowl" and it can also be seen as a giant seashell.

I think it is an amazing structure and I was so glad that I got to experience it. It really is an experience as you walk through it and feel the shell close around you and as you emerge on the other side.

I have chosen to share some more abstract views rather than the more "picture postcard" views of the structure as a whole. I have called the post "Back to the Web" because of the web like appearance but also inspired by the song of the same name by the band Elf Power which is well worth listening to so why not click on the link...

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