Monday 16 April 2018

Sugar Coated

Canon 100mm 1:2.8   ISO 250   f/8.0   1/320 sec

Canon 100mm 1:2.8  ISO 250   f/5.6   1/250sec

So OK, these are not really sugar coated but I do think they look like they have been dipped in lemon or orange sherbet.

Can you tell what they are?

They're Crocuses, the last of the season I think at Ness Botanic Gardens.  

I had gone along hoping for lots of spring colour but I was a bit too early in the year as most of the beds were being prepared for fresh planting. I thought at first that I would be disappointed however as I walked around the gardens I found pockets of colour and new growth as well as some interesting bark patterns to photograph.

I have included the camera settings under each picture and these images are cropped from the larger images because I really wanted to highlight the beautiful detail at the heart of these flowers.

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