Tuesday 31 December 2019

Portrait of Mother Hill

So for today I decided to get out and do some hiking, something I haven't really done too much of for a while and I headed off to where my hiking adventures began about 30 years ago in the Derbyshire Peak District.

I chose a circular walk starting from the village of Castleton to the top of Mam Tor and along the ridge dividing Edale and Hope Valley. It was a great day out with some absolutely stunning scenery. The walk is billed as the 10th most popular walk in the UK and although it was a weekday, because it was New Year's Eve there were a lot of other people out enjoying the hills too so it wasn't the quiet getaway I had imagined but it was fun nevertheless.

I decided to shoot this view of Mam Tor reflected in a small roadside pool in portrait mode and landscape mode. I had to be patient because although the water was calm when I arrived a couple of dogs went in for a paddle. After a few minutes though they moved on and I was able to get these lovely reflections.

It was such a relief to see the top of the hill bathed in sunshine because when I first arrived  the whole ridge had been enveloped in fog and I had worried that I was in for a cold and damp walk with no views at all. 

2019 has ended well for me, let's hope that 2020 gets off to a good start too.


Sunday 29 December 2019

Little Egret

The bright white plumage really gleamed as this lovely egret took a few moments rest while out fishing on the mere at Mere Sands reserve. A fellow photographer commented that egrets are pretty poor (that's a cleaned up version of what he actually said) when it comes to fishing unlike the grey heron that was also fishing nearby. The two species do have different styles of fishing that is certain; while the heron sits sentry like with infinite patience and then spears fish with lightning fast reflexes the egret is far less patient, he shuffles about and disturbs the fish and then makes a grab as the fish scatter before him.

That being said this particular bird seemed to be doing pretty well for himself as he caught some decent sized fish (I may share a photo in due course) while I watched, the disparaging photographer had long since left however so didn't get to see how effective this style of fishing proved to be.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Glenridding Pier (2)

When I first arrived here at Glenridding Pier on Ullswater it was -6 degrees and the fog rising off the lake meant there was virtually no visability as you will see if you check out my post Glenridding Pier from 1st December.

Stopping for another look just after 11am the scene was completely different and some of the lake steamers were out taking day trippers out for a tour of the lake.

I like the stillness in the first image and the clear blue gives a sense of how cold it was, however I think I prefer the second image; I like the composition and I love the colouring and the low mist lingering in the valley in the distance.

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Hot and Cold

Ok, so to describe this as Hot and Cold is a bit of a stretch. 

The same image has been given different treatment, the first colour image is how the wire actually appeared and with the low sun lighting the scene there is a nice (albeit slightly misleading) warm tone.  

The second image in black and white has a stark and cold feel to it which is actually more representative of how I felt that day.

I really like the way the ice crystals have grown along the wire but I have a bit of a dilemma. I love black and white photography and I think this image works really well with the black and white treatment. But I also really like the colour image and I can't decide which I like best, each time I think I have made up my mind I look again and I am not so sure.

Why not leave a comment and let me know which version you prefer...

Monday 16 December 2019

Milky Waters

Here are two more images of Aira Beck using long exposure and an ND filter to create the milky effect of the fast flowing water. 

Sunday 15 December 2019

Rushing By

This is Aira Beck, the river that feeds the falls. It was flowing really fast and it was quite tricky getting down onto the rocks to get the shots because of the ice. I think it was worth it though.

Saturday 14 December 2019

Place Fell

Here is another shot from my recent visit to Ullswater. This view shows Place Fell which overlooks the lakeland villages of Glenridding and Patterdale.

It rises 262m above the lake with an elevation of 657m above sea level, so not particularly high but from the top it will offer great views of the lake and of the Helvellyn range.

I was quite happy to sit here on the waters edge and enjoy this stunning view.

Thursday 12 December 2019

Sunrise over Ullswater

I think yesterday's image was pretty special but I think today's morning view is even better.

At the far end of the lake there is a light covering of mist and on the side of the fells you can see frost and ice.

I love how calm and still the water is, almost glass like and reflecting the sun perfectly. I call this a sunrise but actually it was almost 11a.m. but the winter sun remains low in the sky throughout the day.

A few minutes before I took this shot I met a couple who were also enjoying the lake, the woman went in for a swim but the water was too cold for her to stay in more than a few minutes. I asked her partner if she was doing it as a punishment or if she had lost a bet. He replied that actually it is good for you, leaving me to wonder if it is so good for you why didn't he join her.  Of course I know why he didn't, it was too flipping cold.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Misty Morning Sunrise

I love this view of the sunrise above Dowthwaitehead with the mist rising through the valley.

The trees look fantastic  silhouetted against the misty backdrop and the sunburst adds real drama to the scene.

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Aira Force

You can see from this picture how cold it was by looking at the sides of the crevice cut out by the falls, which are coated with ice.

I have used a long exposure here to freeze the motion  and to give a sense of the force of the water pouring over the rocks.

Monday 9 December 2019

Love on The Bridge

There is so much that I love abut this image; the light highlighting the handrail  guiding you into the image, the beams of sunlight shining a spotlight onto the couple on the bridge, the way the trees appear to be leaning in to frame the sun and the fact that the sun is almost heart shaped adding to the romance of the picture.

From this position the couple on the bridge appear to be gazing down to the falls below when in fact they are holding tightly onto each other and looking down at their feet as they cautiously make their way on the icy path. 

Behind me is the larger falls and the spray from the waterfall is adding to the mist and creating the sunspots in the image as well as making the footpath almost impassable with ice.

Sunday 8 December 2019

Through the Mist

These images show the lower bridge below Aira Force in Matterdale. There was still some mist overhead mixed with the spray from the waterfall. The rock surfaces were extremely slippery and the path across the bridge was treacherous but braving the elements was certainly worth it given the wonderful photos that I captured.

Saturday 7 December 2019

Frozen Dew Drops

As I was preparing to take the shot that I shared yesterday I spotted this leaf on the ground with frozen dew drops clinging tightly to its' surface.

I took a moment to swap from my wide angle lens to my 100mm macro lens and I got down on my knees onto the frozen path to get as close as possible. For the first two images I used the natural light but for the third shot I added a little extra light with the help of my head torch.

I love being able to get a closer look at the little things, macro photography reveals so much detail hat otherwise we would never see and would probably never even imagine to be there. Here you can see little balls of ice are anything but smooth. 

Friday 6 December 2019

In The Cold Light of Morning

It certainly was cold on this particular morning but with the light glowing through the trees it gives this scene a warm quality that draws you in and makes you forget about the cold.

I love combination of the rich green and velvety moss, the warm brown tones of the ferns and the milky sunlight. I also love the twisted forms of the trees and fallen branches.

Thursday 5 December 2019

Misty Morning in Patterdale

On the valley floor and along the shore of Ullswater everything was shrouded in mist and a thick frost coated everything on the ground and in the trees. However ascending through the forest it was possible to catch glimpses of the fells rising above the mist to see clear blue sky and to feel the warmth of the morning sun.

It was a truly wonderful place to be.

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Winter Glow

I always enjoy a woodland walk. An early start on a cold and frosty morning with the winter sun glowing through the trees are just some of the ingredients for a perfect day out.

I think these two images really capture the atmosphere of calm that I enjoyed on Saturday. I had been looking forward to getting out with my camera for a few weeks but work commitments and lousy weekend weather had put paid to any hopes I had so when the forecast showed perfect conditions on Saturday I had to go... I think these and the other shots I captured on that day were ample reward for the early start and extreme cold.

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Leaf Litter

The walk through the forest up to the waterfall at Aira Force was a real sensory treat from the birdsong and the sound of rushing water, the rich autumn colours, and the smell and the crunch of the fallen leaves. 

Monday 2 December 2019

Like Iron Filings in Negative

Close up the ice particles on this frosty bench look sharp and brittle like little spikes of glass, but from a distance they have a much softer appearance, almost like fur or velvet that you could run your hand across gently, it almost looks warm to the touch...

Sunday 1 December 2019

Glenridding Pier

Here are two atmospheric more shots from the banks of Ullswater at Glenridding Pier taken yesterday morning just after sunrise.

In the first shot, looking towards Patterdale you can see the top of the fell shrouded in cloud as mist rises from the surface of the lake. Although this is a colour photo you can see that the weather has almost completely washed out the colour from the scene.

The second image shows some of the lake cruisers moored at the pier. The cruises were delayed until much later in the day given the poor visibility. Through the cloud it is possible to just make out the silhouette of Place Fell but you cant see the campsite on the fell side where I camped a couple of years ago (I recall getting my car stuck on the slippery grass slope and having to enlist the help of a youth group who had been camping nearby).

I love this part of the country, I have some wonderful memories of times spent here, walking the fells, camping on the slopes and visiting the lakeland villages.  And of course it presents so many wonderful photographic opportunities. I hope that you have enjoyed these pictures and that you will keep coming back to my page to see more.