Tuesday 17 April 2018

Native Beauty

canon 100mm 1: 2.8 ISO 200 f/3.5 1/320sec

canon 100mm 1: 2.8 ISO 200 f/3.5 1/320

canon 100mm 1:2.8 ISO 200 f/5.0 1/200sec

Here are a few more shots from Ness Botanic Gardens. As I said yesterday there wasn't a great deal of colour in the beds but there was plenty to find if you looked around. Yesterdays Crocuses were scattered beneath the trees on the lawns near the visitors centre where the grass was cut fairly short.

These beautiful Primroses were lower down in the gardens and in slightly longer grass a little way off the path. They could have easily been missed so I am glad that I spotted them because they are real gems in the garden.

They are native plants and fairly widespread and they are a welcome sign that spring is well on the way. I love the delicate pale yellow heart shaped petals with the vibrant centre and the crinkly green leaves.  

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