Sunday 29 April 2018

Evening Sun

So tonight I am sharing a selection of pictures captured using my mobile phone.

I had gone for a walk after dinner to try and clear my head after a couple of stressful days. It was quite cool due to the strong wind but the scenery was beautiful as the sun was setting across Liverpool Bay and although I was walking quite fast I couldn't ignore the wonderful views and it certainly helped to release some of the stress.

I'm so lucky to live so close to the sea and we get a lot of fantastic sunsets just like this.

Walking away from the seafront I noticed the moon reflecting the last of the sunlight creating what I think is a pink and blue sky. I know that I may very well be wrong about the colours but whatever the colours this is a beautiful sky and a beautiful end to my day.


  1. Thank you, hopefully when you come over you will get to see some equally beautiful sunsets ��
