Saturday 27 April 2019

Wonderful Whitethroat

A couple of days before this I had unsuccessfully tried to get a good shot of a whitethroat.

Like the blackcap I showed you the other day these birds have a beautiful song and they fly about the trees and hedgerows and they are very difficult to spot. I got a couple of shots taken at distance but nothing that I was really thrilled with. Then, as I was heading back to the car park I spotted this little fella perched at the top of a tree singing his heart out. I was able to get several shots and I have to say I am really pleased with them. I love the pose in this picture as he is looking around. I think you will agree he is a handsome little bird.

Friday 26 April 2019

Two Up

Two Pictures
Two Species
Two Geese

Getting good shots of birds in flight is not easy and to be honest I wasn't really set up for these as I was taking pictures of swans swimming and smaller songbirds in the trees.  On each occasion the geese flying by took me by surprise and I would have preferred to use a faster shutter speed. All the same I am fairly happy with these shots of Canada Geese in the first image and Greylag Geese in the second.

Thursday 25 April 2019


This is such a little beauty, a female Blackcap.

It was a real treat to capture this shot because these birds rarely sit still. Also as spring advances and the leaves and blossom fill out the branches the birds are increasingly difficult to spot. Early morning the air was filled with birdsong and the Blackcap has a beautiful rich clear song. As I walked through the woods I could hear them singing and as I approached their song changed to a warning "tac tac", it was really hard to see them, and just as I caught a glimpse they flew off to find a different perch. Spotting this one high up on a  hawthorn tree I couldn't believe my luck as she sat long enough for me to get a clear shot.

Wednesday 24 April 2019

In The Shady Woodland

I love walking in the woods in the early morning. The sound of birdsong, the sunlight through the canopy creating a patchwork of light and shade and in spring the sight and smell of bluebells forming a carpet of green and blue.

Did you know that the native bluebell is a protected plant? in the UK if you remove bluebells from the wild and you are caught selling them on for personal gain you can be fined £5,000 per bulb!!!

Did you know that every part of the bluebell is poisonous? It is best just to look on and enjoy their delicate beauty and breathe in the wonderful fragrance.

Did you know that in ancient times bluebells were used to make the glue that stuck feathers onto the shaft as flights for arrows?

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Sail On

Early morning on the banks of the River Ribble just outside of Preston I was photographing a beautiful Mute Swan on a stretch of the river that was mirror calm, the only movement being the gentle ring of ripples around the swan.  Then out of the corner of my eye I spotted this other swan coming, steaming in. Head down and wings curled he looked quite intimidating. Also with the rising sun breaking through the trees on the opposite bank this shot is beautifully lit. 

This image contains some of my favourite elements, ripples, reflection and wildlife. What more could you wish?

Monday 22 April 2019

Long Tailed Tit

Such a cute little bird, long tailed tits are often seen flying about in noisy little flocks as they chatter to each other non-stop. They are quite hard to photograph as they are small and are easily hidden in the branches of trees and the hedgerows so when I spotted this one taking a brief rest I was really pleased to get the opportunity to take his portrait. For his part he didn't seem to mind posing either.

Saturday 20 April 2019


Today I am posting my 1500th blog post!  That is something of an achievement and when I realised yesterday that I was going to reach this milestone I wondered what I would be able to share, I hoped to find something special in my portfolio but as it happened the three images I have fopr you were taken today and they are a fitting choice.

I have had a busy day today but I found time this afternoon to visit Burton Mere. I wasn't really expecting to see very much but there was quite a variety of species to be seen and with it being the hottest day of the year so far it was good to get out and soak up some sun.

Towards the end of my visit I spotted this buzzard soaring overhead, this was quite a surprise and I didn't have the settings quite how I would have wanted but as it swooped and soared above me I managed to get a few shots the three above being the most usable.

I had snapped a Sparrowhawk earlier in the day but it was too far away to be any good, and just after the buzzard flew by a Marsh Harrier also took a low pass but it was too quick for me to get anything other than a snap as it disappeared in the distance.

Although it would have been great to get pictures of all three the fact that I saw them all in such a short space of time was enough to put a smile on my face.

Thursday 18 April 2019

Tiger Face

OK, so it might not be what you see when you look at this image but in an abstract way I think there is a tiger face hidden in the ripples.

One of the wonderful about ripples and reflections is that they reveal something unique every time you look...

Saturday 13 April 2019

You Know Spring Has Arrived When...

This morning we were blessed with beautiful clear skies and glorious early morning sunshine. It was a cold start to the day but definitely worth the effort of getting up and out early to capture the early sun on theses beautiful bluebells in the Gorse Covert at the RSPB reserve at Burton Mere.

I always look for the emergence of bluebells to signal that Spring has truly arrived. I have lots of happy memories of walks in woodlands where there were carpets of native bluebells and although this display is not as dense as some of those I grew up with it is still heartwarming and a boost to the spirits.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Sweet Treat

The Wood Duck has to be one of the most handsome ducks around, just look he looks so regal and well preened.

I have called today's post "Sweet Treat" because when I looked at his bill I thought about the traffic light lollies I used to buy with my pocket money as a child

Tuesday 9 April 2019


So here I am combining three passions in one photo


And I think it looks great.

If you are wondering why I have titled today's post 007 it is because the bird shares a name with a James Bond movie... GoldenEye

Sunday 7 April 2019

Face In The Mirror

If you have followed any of my blog, particularly in recent weeks you will know that I have a thing for reflections. I have been concentrating a lot on abstract images from reflected light on water but looking through a few folders and I spotted this image.

Initially this was a colour image because of the striking colours of this beautiful crowned crane, it was also shot with the bird looking down. 

However for this particular image I was less interested in the colours as it was the idea of the bird glimpsing its reflection as it took a brink, lifting its head it paused briefly as if surprised to see another bird looking back. By rotating the image through ninety degrees it creates a new perspective as if looking into a mirror and the water droplets appear suspended in space. By converting it to black and white it also enhances the mirror effect.

Saturday 6 April 2019

Insta People

I don't often post pictures of people and I hesitated before sharing these today. However I do like street photography, capturing candid images of people going about their lives and I do like these pictures.

These shots were all taken in Burano, which as you can see from the third image is a beautiful and brightly coloured town criss-crossed with canals and full of character.

As well as the individually painted houses the town is famous for lace which is very expensive but beautifully hand crafted and alongside the artisan glass from Murano perhaps makes the best memento from a visit to Venice.

Visiting in February the streets of Burano were quiet, almost deserted in places; quite different to the summer months when it is much busier although still less crowded than Venice itself. It is a perfect time to appreciate the beauty of the place.

I took these shots because I was amazed to see how virtually all the young visitors to the island town were more focused on capturing selfies and the perfect "instapose" and staring at their phones rather than looking at what was around them. Perhaps I am showing my age but it seemed such a waste. 

Thursday 4 April 2019

Across The Lagoon

A couple of similar views across the Lagoon in Venice. There are plenty of churches and religious monuments in Venice, I recently shared a picture of a little chapel hidden away in a side street that is a thoroughfare and today I have this interesting post with it's beautiful stained glass which is there to bless the Gondoliers.

I have chosen two views one in colour to show off the soft evening glow and the glass illuminated by the setting sun, the second in black and white and in portrait mode which I think works really well with the combination of verticals that draw the eye in.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

All The Right Ingredients

This is so full of rich colours it is amazing to think that this is a reflection on a narrow canal tucked away in the heart of Venice. 

It is a strong image and one that could so easily have been overlooked. Proof that it pays to keep your eyes peeled and there is beauty in some unexpected places.

Monday 1 April 2019


Here is another Reflection of Venice.

My visit to the city was a week before the famous Carnevale when the city comes alive with people in costumes and masks and it is a non-stop round of balls and parties. I was a little disappointed to miss it but having spoken to a local shop keeper perhaps I wouldn't have enjoyed it completely. The city is packed with visitors and I think I prefer the quiet of the city as it was

I have called this photo Carnevale because when I look at it I can see lots of faces or masks and it seems fitting for the season.

How many faces can you find?