Monday 17 May 2021


 I had such a lovely time at Sizergh Castle, the gardens are really wonderful. I didn't get to explore everywhere because I didn't have an awful lot of time but I made the most of what time I had.

One of my favourite parts of the gardens was the topiary, it was just so peaceful and I like the view looking through the gates as they welcome you into this hidden gem.

I would normally try to avoid getting people in my shots and anyone who has been with me when I take photos will have been frustrated as they wait for me as I wait to get the perfect shot. As it happens I didn't have to wait long to get people free shots in this part of the garden however as you can see in the second image there is someone there. I had watched them walking towards the end of this passage and I knew that they added something special to the image.

I love the third image because I had sat for a few minutes just soaking up the atmosphere and wishing I could stay a bit longer

Sunday 16 May 2021


 I love tulips but I was somewhat surprised to find these little beauties growing in a kitchen garden at Sizergh Castle. It seemed an unusual setting but to be honest they looked really good.

I think the flower in the first image is absolutely stunning in its elegance with its soft cream and pink petals. I am sure you will agree it is a real delight.

The other images are of two different red varieties. I have been told that photographing red flowers is really difficult because it is hard to capture a true reproduction of the colour. I am not sure why this is but it is true and so I had to try several times to get what I hope are the true colours of these lovely blooms. 

Saturday 15 May 2021


 Thistles can be pretty. I love the pinky purple tones of the flower head which viewed close up has a multitude of little tendrils; black, plum and mulberry coloured fingers reaching upwards from a spiky ball.

I like the colour images but I also really like the black and white image because it highlights the structure of the flower

Thursday 13 May 2021

Three Narcissi

 So I had had a lovely time in the grounds of Sizergh castle watching the wildlife and having a lovely picnic lunch and then I went to walk around the castle gardens. Early in the season I wasn't sure what to expect and I was amazed to see so many different varieties of narcissus. I didn't photograph them all but here are three of my favourites.

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Hey! Toad Face!

 I got a few strange looks from people walking by as I lay in the road and then on the grass taking pictures of this toad at its eye level but I think it was worth the effort.

I spotted him on the road at first and realised from its clumsy gait that it had been injured somehow, possibly by a heron or other bird thinking to make a tasty meal. It had a nasty looking sore area on its back and was moving slowly so I took pity on him and gently carried him over to the grassy hedgerow. I watched as he disappeared under the hedge then shortly after as it emerged into the open and with a flick of its tongue caught a fly. He then started to move off in the direction he had originally been traveling.

Did you know that common toads live between 10 -12 years, as long as they don't get predated of course?

I love wildlife and I love getting up close to take pictures like this. It was one of the highlights of my day out

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Little Birdies

 A little break from flowers for today (and maybe for tomorrow too) 

On May 1st I made the most of the sunny weather and visited Sizergh castle in Cumbria. The castle itself was closed to visitors but the gardens were open and I spent a few very pleasant hours there.

For a little while I sat in a quiet spot watching birds feeding, I had thought I had taken a lot more pictures of birds than I actually did so here are a few of the better ones.

First off we have a nuthatch. There were a few of them that were feeding on some seeds that had been scattered on the ground. They would fly in grab a beak full and then just as quickly fly off. This one took to perching in the tree waiting for its turn.

The Robin perched on the willow arch and then searched among the wood chippings for some tasty treats.

Monday 10 May 2021

I have no idea

 I really don't know what this flower is but I do know it looks pretty.

If you do know what it is then feel free to comment and let me know.

Sunday 9 May 2021

Roses are Red

Violets are violet!  I love these flowers how about you?

OK so I know it doesn't rhyme but I have never claimed to be a poet...

These are Viola riviniana commonly known as dog violet or wood violet. I think it is a stunning little flower. Hidden away in the woodland shade it would be so easy to miss as you walk by, but it is definitely worth a second look.

Saturday 8 May 2021



These Common or English Primroses are absolutely beautiful. The yellow flowers are so delicate with the golden centre fading out to a pale almost creamy yellow.

These were hidden close to some moss covered rocks in a woodland garden I was lucky because the sun was shining through a gap in the tree canopy so these flowers were perfectly illuminated.

I think they are gorgeous 

Wednesday 5 May 2021


 This was a lovely magnolia with the most amazing display of flowers but unlike many other varieties this one didn't have any fragrance. It really is quite elegant though.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Enchanting Erythronium


I love these delicate lilies that were growing in the dappled shade of a woodland garden at Bodnant. The way the petals peel backwards and upwards to reveal the bright yellow anthers to attract the pollinators is quite enchanting. 

The first image above is one of my favourite shots in quite a while, I love the balance of light and shade and the way the flower appears to be almost floating or dancing in the air like a ballerina or perhaps for those who believe like a fairy.  As I said enchanting.

Monday 3 May 2021

Weeds or Wildflowers


I love daisies and dandelions, even though they are very often regarded as weeds I think they bring so much joy. 
I know that if you have a pristine lawn the last thing you may want is a carpet of these flowers but I would rather look at these and other wildflowers any time.
They are really worth a closer look too as there is so much beauty in the detail.

Sunday 2 May 2021

A Green Medley

I like to find heart shapes in nature, I think they make good subjects for photography so spotting this shrub growing under the shadow of a yew tree was a stroke of luck. Well not so much luck I suppose, in a botanical garden there are so many plants that there are bound to be several with heart shaped leaves. I had to take a few shots to get the lighting just right but I think it works quite well.

 This second image is very different. I had paused to rest for a few minutes on a bench in the sun. It was obviously a very old bench and when I looked at the wooden slats that I was sat on I realised that there was a lot of life in the moss and lichens that were growing in abundance. 

Lichens are really amazing organisms some varieties are among the oldest living things; did you know 6 - 8% of the earths surface is covered with lichen of one sort or another? Also did you know that lichen can grow inside rock, and they can exist in the most extreme conditions? I guess these must be pretty hardy varieties given the number of butts that must have sat on them over the years, including mine :) .

Saturday 1 May 2021


 Everyday I have a word of the day from a dictionary app on my phone and I share it with my son. Today's word was "polliniferous" which means producing or bearing pollen so I thought it was appropriate to take a closer look at this hellebore which I snapped at Bodnant last weekend.

Today I spent a pleasant few hours at Sizergh Castle in the Lake District enjoying the gardens, there was lots of greenery and the hellebores were not as far on as this one but there was lots to enjoy all the same. More of that another time so for today I hope you enjoy this offering.