Tuesday 11 May 2021

Little Birdies

 A little break from flowers for today (and maybe for tomorrow too) 

On May 1st I made the most of the sunny weather and visited Sizergh castle in Cumbria. The castle itself was closed to visitors but the gardens were open and I spent a few very pleasant hours there.

For a little while I sat in a quiet spot watching birds feeding, I had thought I had taken a lot more pictures of birds than I actually did so here are a few of the better ones.

First off we have a nuthatch. There were a few of them that were feeding on some seeds that had been scattered on the ground. They would fly in grab a beak full and then just as quickly fly off. This one took to perching in the tree waiting for its turn.

The Robin perched on the willow arch and then searched among the wood chippings for some tasty treats.

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