Monday 17 May 2021


 I had such a lovely time at Sizergh Castle, the gardens are really wonderful. I didn't get to explore everywhere because I didn't have an awful lot of time but I made the most of what time I had.

One of my favourite parts of the gardens was the topiary, it was just so peaceful and I like the view looking through the gates as they welcome you into this hidden gem.

I would normally try to avoid getting people in my shots and anyone who has been with me when I take photos will have been frustrated as they wait for me as I wait to get the perfect shot. As it happens I didn't have to wait long to get people free shots in this part of the garden however as you can see in the second image there is someone there. I had watched them walking towards the end of this passage and I knew that they added something special to the image.

I love the third image because I had sat for a few minutes just soaking up the atmosphere and wishing I could stay a bit longer

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