Wednesday 12 May 2021

Hey! Toad Face!

 I got a few strange looks from people walking by as I lay in the road and then on the grass taking pictures of this toad at its eye level but I think it was worth the effort.

I spotted him on the road at first and realised from its clumsy gait that it had been injured somehow, possibly by a heron or other bird thinking to make a tasty meal. It had a nasty looking sore area on its back and was moving slowly so I took pity on him and gently carried him over to the grassy hedgerow. I watched as he disappeared under the hedge then shortly after as it emerged into the open and with a flick of its tongue caught a fly. He then started to move off in the direction he had originally been traveling.

Did you know that common toads live between 10 -12 years, as long as they don't get predated of course?

I love wildlife and I love getting up close to take pictures like this. It was one of the highlights of my day out

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