Monday 30 April 2018

Primate Portrait

Tamron 150mm - 600mm f/5 - 6.3

ISO500   450mm   f/6.3    1/200 sec

I really love this portrait of a Sulawesi Crested Macaque, he is sat in a very thoughtful pose and was intently watching the activity in the enclosure.

You may remember that in 2014 there was a lot of fuss generated over the copyright issues related to a selfie taken by a Crested Macaque just like this but I can guarantee this photo is all my own work and there is no doubt about who owns the copyright.

They are a critically endangered species with just 5,000 left in the world and just 2,000 left in the rainforests of Sulawesi. This represents an 80% decline in the population in just 30 years as a result of habitat loss.

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