Monday 2 April 2018

A Jungle V.I.P.

The Sumatran Orangutan really is a jungle V.I.P. 

It is one of three species of orangutans and they are critically endangered with the population in serious decline due to the relentless destruction of Sumatra's rain-forest.

At dinner tonight I asked everyone if they could choose to see any sight in the world what would it be, when it came to my turn I said that it would be to go and see orangutans living in the wild. I think that would be an amazing experience but the opportunity to do so is becoming ever more remote. I hadn't planned on posting this picture today but after my dinner time conversation it seems fitting to do so.

I was going to try and find something funny to comment about both of these pictures but I don't know about you but to me the orangutan in my first picture looks pretty sad, or fed up and the youngster in the second shot looks bored and while I love these pictures I couldn't find anything funny to say.

We are blessed to live in such a beautiful world with such diversity, it is sad that as a species we do so much to damage the world and harm its helpless inhabitants. I am glad to have had the chance to photograph these creatures at Chester Zoo, the conservation work they do there is so very important but wouldn't it be so much better if we didn't need places like zoos. 

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