Monday 23 April 2018

Bursting Into Life

Canon 100mm 1:2.8   ISO 125    f/3.5   1/160 sec

Canon 100mm 1:2.8   ISO200   f/5.6   1/125 sec

Canon 100mm 1:2.8   ISO 200   f/5.6   1/80 sec

So these were taken a few weeks ago so by now these trees at Ness Gardens will be in full bloom but I think the buds are so beautiful they deserve a post of their own.

The first picture is a fluffy Magnolia bud, it is so soft and tactile and really beautiful and is a lovely prelude to the wonderfully lush blossoms that follow.

The second and third images show the buds of Hamamelis Intermedia "Jelena". They are fascinating flowers with yellow tendrils that look almost like strips of tissue paper but are really soft to the touch.

I don't really know much if anything about plants and gardening but I do know there is so much beauty to see throughout the year and as much as I long for the spring and summer months when we get so much variety and colour I also love to look for photo opportunities such as these all year round.

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