Tuesday 3 April 2018

Just Hanging Around

There is something funky about these Silvery Gibbons and watching them swing their way around the massive enclosure was totally awesome. They move so effortlessly and climb to the top of the trees chasing each other around.

Yesterday with the pictures of the Sumatran Orangutan I was struck by the sadness of seeing them in the zoo when their numbers are declining due to the impact of humans on their environment and after I posted it I wondered whether I had been too negative. Today however posting these pictures and doing just a little research about the Silvery Gibbon I wonder whether I didn't go far enough. I didn't start this blog to make comment about the world or humanity, primarily it is about the photography but the natural world and wildlife photography is so important to me and every now and then some of the pictures I take give me cause to think more about issues beyond the picture.

These Gibbons are really cute and amazing but they are incredibly rare, it is thought that there are just 2,500 remaining in their natural home in Java, the only place on this planet where they can be found in the wild. They're endangered because of the activities of mankind which has caused the destruction of 96% of their natural habitat. As if that wasn't enough they face a further threat from the illegal trade in wildlife because babies are captured and sold off as pets.

I don't want to be negative, I want people to appreciate these beautiful creatures, I want people to enjoy my photography and hopefully I will achieve that but as a race we really need to clean up our act and value this world and all it offers.

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