Sunday 1 April 2018

On The Prowl

I had only seen the Malaysian Sun Bear very briefly and from a distance on one previous occasion so I was very pleased when I spotted this chap last week at Chester Zoo although my first sight of hi was as his rump disappeared through the flap into the interior of his "den". I couldn't really blame him for beating a retreat because there were two large parties of screaming primary school children visiting and as much as I like kids I would have happily found a quiet corner to escape the rabble.

The female bear was on view but she was sleeping in a corner with her head under her paws, either that or she was doing a good impression of sleeping until the kids moved on to torment their next helpless victims.

I patiently waited and then out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of a carrot, followed quickly by a slice of melon come flying over the fence into the enclosure. Several more tasty looking snacks came soon after and then my patience was rewarded as the male bear tempted out by the food came out of his hiding place allowing me a moment to get a few decent shots.

I love bears, I prefer to see them in the wild of course and I am hoping that when I go to Canada later this year I will get to see some more. These Sun Bears are smaller than the Black Bears I have seen in Canada but they are just as cute.  Look at those claws though, even though he looks cuddly I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of this little fella.

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