Sunday 1 December 2019

Glenridding Pier

Here are two atmospheric more shots from the banks of Ullswater at Glenridding Pier taken yesterday morning just after sunrise.

In the first shot, looking towards Patterdale you can see the top of the fell shrouded in cloud as mist rises from the surface of the lake. Although this is a colour photo you can see that the weather has almost completely washed out the colour from the scene.

The second image shows some of the lake cruisers moored at the pier. The cruises were delayed until much later in the day given the poor visibility. Through the cloud it is possible to just make out the silhouette of Place Fell but you cant see the campsite on the fell side where I camped a couple of years ago (I recall getting my car stuck on the slippery grass slope and having to enlist the help of a youth group who had been camping nearby).

I love this part of the country, I have some wonderful memories of times spent here, walking the fells, camping on the slopes and visiting the lakeland villages.  And of course it presents so many wonderful photographic opportunities. I hope that you have enjoyed these pictures and that you will keep coming back to my page to see more.

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