Tuesday 17 December 2019

Hot and Cold

Ok, so to describe this as Hot and Cold is a bit of a stretch. 

The same image has been given different treatment, the first colour image is how the wire actually appeared and with the low sun lighting the scene there is a nice (albeit slightly misleading) warm tone.  

The second image in black and white has a stark and cold feel to it which is actually more representative of how I felt that day.

I really like the way the ice crystals have grown along the wire but I have a bit of a dilemma. I love black and white photography and I think this image works really well with the black and white treatment. But I also really like the colour image and I can't decide which I like best, each time I think I have made up my mind I look again and I am not so sure.

Why not leave a comment and let me know which version you prefer...

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