Tuesday 7 August 2018

The Great Wall On Tour

Today's selection is from around the streets of Cesky Krumlov. 

First off we have two shots of a pair of buskers. I was going to call the post The Ace of Spades because of the tattoo on the guitarists leg but I picked the alternate title when I decided to include the other two pictures of the groups of tourists.

I can't remember the tunes these guys were playing but they were pretty good and in the narrow cobbled streets the sound carried really well.

Now what you may notice is that virtually everyone else in these  pictures is Chinese. Almost everywhere we went on our roadtrip we were amazed at the vast number of Chinese people. Even in sleepy little towns all of a sudden a coach load of tourists would arrive and then they would rush around, in and out of shops and local attractions and then back onto the bus to be whisked off somewhere else. 

The group in the third picture are all listening to audio descriptions as they're on a walking tour, it struck me as I watched them that although they were listening intently they were not actually taking much notice of what was around them, instead they had found a spot in the shade to listen to the message before heading off to the next point on the tour.

In the final image though the small group were exploring on their own. I did wonder what they made of this bohemian town.

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