Wednesday 8 August 2018

Laid Back Graz

I have jumped a little bit ahead with today's selection.

We had planned a stop over in Graz simply to break up our journey from Vienna to Venice and I had no idea what to expect. In fact it turned out to be a really great choice and after checking in to our hotel we set out to explore. There will be lots of pictures in time but today I wanted to shared these three pictures that demonstrate what a laid back and funky town Graz is.

I thought the busker has a style all of his own and it is a shame that I can't also include the music he was playing.

I wanted to share the second of today's pictures to show off the really cool street furniture. There were several super modern and stylish public benches and this one looked very comfy. I was disappointed that it was occupied because by this time in the afternoon I was ready to sit down.

The third picture shows a homeless guy in a Wookie onesie, what you can't see in this shot is that he is walking barefoot and he smelled really bad. He seemed in remarkably good spirits and with his unusual clothing he brought smiles to lots of faces.

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