Monday 27 August 2018

Looking For The Fairy King

I haven't been out with my camera for a couple of weeks and anyone who knows me will know that I will have had severe withdrawal symptoms and so in spite of the unpredictable weather and less than ideal conditions I went out for a couple of hours today. 

I went along to Mere Sands Woods and although there wasn't a great deal to see I spotted a rotting trunk close to the path which was host to a large number of fungi.

I spent a little while photographing them from different angles and while I was doing so I noticed that I was being watched by a young girl who was out for a walk with her father. I said hello and her father commented on this being a magnificent lot of mushrooms. The girl agreed and as she stepped closer to see what I was doing I explained that I was looking for fairies. This really seemed to catch her imagination and for a few moments they interrupted their walk as we discussed the best places for the fairies to hide.

This variety of fungus is Hypholoma fasciculare more commonly known as Sulphur Tuft because of the bright yellow crown that merges into orange towards the outer edges. They are often found in large clumps on rotting stumps just as these. These would have an unpleasant bitter taste and are inedible. Bitter tasting they may be but I think they make a stunning display. They also make a great home for fairies.

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