Monday 20 August 2018

Street Art On A Grand Scale

Graffiti is one form of public art and yesterday I shared some nice examples from Vienna. One of things with graffiti is that it is temporary and so unless you are a Banksy, Blu, Lady Pink or even Greg Mike the work gets painted over and forgotten. But while it's there it can evoke a range of different emotions and after all that is what art should be about, whether it is in a gallery or on a wall in town.

Everyone has an opinion about art in the public space and I wonder what your first impression of the artwork that is the focus of today's post will be.

In recent years, it has become a thing for the Ringturm in Vienna's Innere Stadt to get "wrapped" and host a work of art  by renowned international artists.

2018 sees a work by controversial Viennese artist Gottfried Helnwein. It marks the 100th anniversary of the First Austrian Republic and it is titled "I Saw This" and is intended as an imposing reminder of the evils and terror of repression. 

It certainly is imposing as it features a young girl aiming a sub machine gun over the Danube. It can be seen from a long way off and is sure to raise eyebrows as well as heads and maybe even get people thinking. 

I really like this work and hope you will agree that it is very striking. 

If you would like to see examples of previous artwork in the Wrapping the Ringturm click on the link 

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