Wednesday 29 August 2018

Old Spiral

One of my favourite pictures that I have shared previously is of a spiral staircase in the Palace of Versailles ( and when you look at it I hope you can see why I like it so much.

Today's images are of a slightly less fancy but no less wonderful staircase in the Chateau de Haut Koenigsburg in Alsace. I had to wait a while for the train of visitors to pass so that I could get these shots. I love black and white photographs and so I knew that I would shoot in both colour and black and white to show the contrast between the two and while I think the second image is my favourite of the two I think the first shot is also really effective with the warmth of the colours in the bottom half and the colder greys towards the top. 

Can you tell from these pictures whether you are looking up or down?

I suppose the light gives it away and you are looking up...

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