Sunday 13 September 2020



I think I may have posted a picture similar to this a while ago but while I was taking pictures for a quiz recently I visited this spot and thought this was an amazing shot.

It was a fairly overcast day and there is not much colour in the structure itself so I shot in black & white and I think the grey tones and the symmetry make for a very strong image.

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Guiding Light

The River Mersey is an incredibly busy shipping lane as ships arrive from all around the world, including oil tankers bound for the refinery at Stanlow and the container port at Seaforth as well as the freight terminal at 12 Quays. The river also hosts some of the worlds biggest cruise liners that call in at Liverpool's Pier Head in the shadow of its Three Graces; a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Some of the bigger ships like this Greek registered tanker need a little help to navigate the channels into port so the river pilot will guide them in. 

In times past the Lighthouse would have also played its part in marking the safe passage into the river from the often stormy Liverpool Bay and the Irish Sea.


Tuesday 8 September 2020

Care Free

 I had gone out for a few hours at the weekend with the intention to get some shots for a photo quiz I am doing but I got a little distracted at New Brighton because of the stormy sea and the lighthouse. I was also watching some of the massive ships coming into the Mersey from Liverpool Bay (more of that in my next post I think).

I think this lighthouse looks cool whether the tide is in or out but with the waves and the rope blowing out from the balcony you can see how it needs to stand up to the elements.

This is one of my favourite shots from the day because as I was lining everything up the little girl ran across. I pressed the shutter not knowing for sure whether I had timed it right but I think it is spot on. I love the way she is skipping just along the edge of the water, totally care free

Saturday 5 September 2020

Fur Bee

 This is such a fluffy bee with a a great big walrus moustache.

It was a little bit damp and bedraggled but I am sure that after feasting on nectar from this thistle it would soon be ready to fly.