Monday 27 May 2019

A tasty treat...

I managed to get a few shots of this handsome lizard eating a late afternoon snack. He was guarding it quite carefully and it was interesting to watch him shaking this big bug to break off manageable portions.

I will need to look at my other shots on my laptop when I get home but posting "from the field" this unedited shot will have to do for now.

Sunday 26 May 2019

Springing to life

I have been somewhat preoccupied over the past week and now I find myself in France in a small town between Versailles and Paris.
I have spent the afternoon walking in a park. I spotted a few interesting things and some pretty flowers and I thought this curled vine looks really good.

Sunday 19 May 2019

You've gotta let me fly!

This is perhaps one of the most easily recognisable butterflies with its distinctive pattern of spots that resemble closely the pattern of a Peacocks' feathered tail. The pattern has the effect of startling and confusing predators as well as being stunningly beautiful.

I was able to capture this shot as the butterfly paused very briefly on a dried stem and opened its wings to absorb some afternoon sun.

Monday 13 May 2019

Green and Black

I know (because I trust those that tell me) that this picture is a blend of greens but to me it looks like black and gold and rather like molten metal. 

However you see it I hope you like this as much as me.

Saturday 11 May 2019


So here is a beautiful bright reflection of some willow trees as the leaves emerge. I have rotated the image through 90 degrees and cropped it slightly. I have used a longer exposure to soften the image and to get a sense of movement as the branches were blowing gently in the breeze. I think it is quite a good look, what do you think?

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Making Waves

So not waves exactly but here is another image from my Ripples and Reflections series.

I love the way the ripples that appear so smooth viewed from a distance when seen close up have so much texture and depth of colour.

Tuesday 7 May 2019


Today is a return to something abstract. This is another shot of ripples and reflections from Burton Mere over the recent Easter weekend.  

In most of the reflections shots I have taken I have used a fast shutter speed to give a smooth final image but here I have used a slightly longer exposure to create a more wispy effect. I quite like this, how about you???

Sunday 5 May 2019

English Songbirds

The first shot is of a Dunnock, not the most colourful bird but one that has a really beautiful song. It is one of the few regular visitors to my garden although this one was spotted at Brockholes.

The second shot is of a Whitethroat in full song. I wish you could hear the song while you look at the picture... why not click on this link for a sample...

Friday 3 May 2019

Float On

There is something about swans, they're so elegant, and regal as they glide through the water seemingly effortlessly.

I like the way this one is lit by the early morning sun.

Thursday 2 May 2019