Sunday 29 September 2019

The Loveliest View In The World

I haven't posted anything for about 10 days (I have been working on a calendar of British Birds for 2020) and so I thought I would come back with something special and I hope you will agree with me that this picture fits the bill.

You may think I am over stating things by describing this as the loveliest view in the world but those are not my words but the words of the leading art critic of the Victorian Era; John Ruskin (he was also an artist, social thinker and philanthropist). He described this view of the River Lune as seen from the churchyard of St Mary's Church in Kirkby Lonsdale in Cumbria as being"the loveliest view in England, and therefore the World".

A painting of this view by JMW Turner described "priceless possession" was sold at auction in 2012 for £217,250

Well beauty is in the eye of the beholder so you may disagree with that statement  but I am sure you will agree that it is pretty spectacular indeed. It is certainly a great view of the English countryside. This picture was taken after a few days of heavy rain, local roads were flooded and lots of water was coming off the hills raising the level of the river which was flowing extremely fast rushing towards Devil's Bridge about a mile down river.

In some ways this view reminds me a bit of the view of the Wye Valley from Symonds Yat Rock which I think could compete for the title of loveliest view... but then I would say there are other views that could compete and I am sure you will have your own candidates, why not leave a comment with your suggestions.

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