Thursday 2 April 2020

Inside Out

It is almost two weeks since my last blog post and I think today is the first time since then that I have actually turned my laptop on. That is not because I have lacked the time but more I have lacked the motivation. 

I had great plans to visit family and even go camping for a few days and take hundreds of photos during a week off work. But then we had the lock-down and suddenly all of that went out the window and doing this seemed less important.

I am lucky in many ways because I am able to do most of my job from home and so I can stay busy but having been in self-isolation for a week I am keen to get outside and I decided to review some of my photos and reminisce on times not so long ago when i could enjoy being outdoors.

I have selected these two pictures taken in February in Vienna, this is the Schottentor U-bahn station with a view towards the magnificent neo-gothic structure of the Votivkirche which stands just beyond Sigmund Freud Park. I like these images because they reflect the situation I and that many others are at present find ourselves; inside looking out...

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