Sunday 17 May 2020


So here is my second blog post for today, after a prolonged period with nothing you are getting a double dose. The first post "Poppy" was a splash of colour from my neighbour's garden and this second offering is a splash of creativity from my fridge...

You may have seen some of my earlier lockdown offerings a couple of weeks ago when I set up a macro studio and experimented with water droplets. I thought they were really cool and I liked the metallic look of the water and the amazing droplets. So I thought I would try a similar set up but this time using milk.

I got some amazing shots and as usual I will drip feed (pun intended) them over the coming days.

These were among my first efforts and my first mistake was using a plate with a green patterned rim so I have had to crop that out. 

The first image is a little soft and fuzzy but nonetheless I think it looks quite cool.

I like the tiny orb balanced on the sharp spike in the third shot.

But my favourite image is the second one which looks a bit like looking down on the eye of a storm or perhaps like something in the far reaches of space.

Timing is everything when getting these shots, you never know what you will get but it is definitely worth the time and effort, at least I think so.

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