Thursday 22 October 2020

Historic Docks


I know that by experimenting I will improve my photography so recently I have been practicing with long exposures and night time photography and I am enjoying the results, hopefully you are too. 

As well as extending the exposure times I have also tried using different settings for the white balance and if you compare the first image with one of the similar shots I posted yesterday you will be able to see the difference quite clearly.

In the second of today's pictures I am looking into the heart of the dock. At one time this would have been full of ships unloading and loading their cargoes and there would have been a real energy to the place. Now there is a maritime museum, the Tate Gallery, boutiques and bistros and the warehouses are now loft apartments and the only boats to moor here are pleasure craft.

If you look carefully in the second image you will see a couple of light traces on the water. These were caused by a group of kayakers who were exploring the docks after dark. I can imagine it is quite an experience to do that and although I was surprised to see them I wouldn't mind having a go at that myself.

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