Sunday 8 November 2020

The Pumphouse Three


I haven't posted anything for a while now, the last few posts were from my night time shoot down at Liverpool's Albert Docks and before I move on to something else I thought I would share one more from that shoot.

This was my last shot of the night looking towards the Pumphouse. Normally there would be some smaller sailing vessels moored here but with an empty dock I have been able to capture some lovely reflections.

I have given the picture three different treatments. Firstly I have stuck with the bold and bright true to life colours and then in the second I have kept the settings just the same but reduced the saturation somewhat and in the final image I have used a black and white pre-set which gives the scene a real punch.

I like all three images, a lot. I can't pick a favourite but I would be interested to know what you think.

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