Friday 1 January 2021

Snow Bunting

It has been a dull old day and so I didn't think I would get chance to get out with my camera, but then shortly before sunset there was a brief sunny spell so I grabbed my camera and headed down to the beach in the hope of getting a few shots to start the year as I mean to go on.

I had seen a small flock of Snow Buntings at Red Rocks a few days ago so I was hopeful there would be some on the shore. 

The tide was on its way out and so the newly exposed sand offered fresh feeding opportunities and there was a small group of about 8 birds searching for sandhoppers. They are very skittish and were easily spooked by the many dogs and dog walkers out making the most of the late afternoon sun so I had to be patient as they flew up and down the beach.

These are truly beautiful little birds, used to living in harsh conditions so well suited to the exposed beach and salt marsh around the local coastline. 

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