Friday 18 February 2022

Storm Surge

Today we were visited by Storm Eunice, one of the worst storms in the UK for decades, the South & South West were worst affected with gusts of 122mph recorded on the Isle of Wight but here in the North West we have had winds of 60 - 80mph. With such strong winds combined with a high tide I was sure there would be some dramatic scenes along the coast and as you can see from this image I was not wrong.
The waves have churned up the sand on the beach adding some interesting colours to the waves and the heavy clouds create strong layers in the sky.

 I think the image works very well in black and white too, I have increased the black tones to increase the dramatic effect, let me know what you think.

The conditions were at times quite dreadful, and I almost didn't go out as the rain was coming sideways, not to mention the sleet and hail, but I am so glad I did and I look forward to sorting through all the images and no doubt I will share a few more with you.

I have to give a shout out to the coast guard who were out on duty today, probably slightly bemused by the number of photographers out in these awful conditions, but more so I am sure by the three people who thought it was a good idea to go swimming and the one idiot who kept walking towards the waves and who argued with the coast guard, despite their warnings about the imminent storm surge, telling them "You can't tell me what to do, I don't have to listen to you!" 

I was really grateful for the calm way they handled the whole situation and how they also allowed all the photographers to get in position for their shots but also gently shepherding everyone to safety as the conditions changed. Their experience was evident as their advice was timed to perfection and it was only the few people with unsuitable footwear that actually got wet as the surge broke over the promenade to where we were stood.

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