Saturday 17 September 2022



It is over two weeks since I posted last and it is incredible because I have so much to get through, but after long days at work mostly in front of my computer I just haven't really felt like taking more time looking at a screen and concentrating on processing images to share.
That being said today and over the next few days I can see myself spending an awful lot of time sorting through files and photos so perhaps there will be more to see. Who knows this might not even be my only post for today...
For today though I have selected two shots of a variety of Cosmos, a plant from the daisy family I believe. This one has luscious pink petals and a radiant yellow centre which really made it stand out. The texture of the petals as they curl seems to give movement to the flower even though it is perfectly still.
In the first image I just adjusted the contrast a little but in the second I wanted to try a completely different treatment, converting it to black and white, pulling up the contrast and increasing the blacks and shadows to create what I think is a really effective image. I love it, the movement in this image, to me at least, has the feel of fire and smoke. Maybe it is just me but however it looks to you I hope you will agree that it is a pretty cool photo.

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