Wednesday 28 June 2023

Set Sail...

 Living close to the beach I have been lucky enough to see various activities; kite surfing, surfing, windsurfing, kite buggies and land/sand yachting. When the conditions are right these must be really exhilarating to take part in but they are also a great spectacle and provide some excellent photo opportunities.

Last weekend there was a Sand Yacht Regatta at St Annes on the Fylde coast and so I pooped along briefly to take a look. I only managed to watch one complete race and part of a second but even so I managed to get some really great shots. Freezing the action in a photograph does not always give a true indication of just how fast these chaps are going however when they go through water and create a big splash you can get more of an idea of how quick they are moving and perhaps how hard they work to stay on course. 

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