Saturday 10 August 2019


I have mixed feelings about these images. 

First of all I was really chuffed to actually capture them since these beautiful Damselflies (the first I think is a male demoiselle, the second is a Brown Damselfly) hardly stopped to rest in their near constant search for food, so getting any image at all was quite a scoop.

The second one is especially fortuitous because as brightly coloured as it is I would normally miss it, lost in the greenery.

I am slightly disappointed because the heads in each are not in sharp focus; the reason for this is shortly before taking these pictures I had been experimenting with different focus settings on my camera and as I was not fully prepared for these shots and having to be extremely quick them main area of focus is the wings. However, this does show on closer inspection the stunning patterns in the lacy wings and in the red one the ovipositor  is in sharp focus.

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