Friday 21 February 2020


Birds like Rooks, Ravens and Crows are easily overlooked. They're mostly black with no obvious distinguishing features and from a distance they are fairly uninteresting and then when you consider their personal habits well, they're pretty gross. But, get up close, and they really are quite amazing.

Take the Hooded Crow in the first picture, I first saw one, or actually properly noticed one in a park in Gothenburg, it was being mobbed by a pair of Chaffinches after it had raided their nest and was devouring a chick. Like I said "gross"! But that's nature for you, it can be cruel. But look closely they are really beautiful and poised on Neptune's trident this one looks quite regal.

The second and third images are of a Carrion Crow, it was strutting around on a lawn and rather than cawing as you might expect it was coughing as though it had something stuck in its throat and it looked pleadingly at me. I had never realised before that they had feathers on their beak, it looks pretty cool doesn't it.

So next time you see one of these birds and think "it's just a crow" think again...

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