Monday 10 February 2020

In Wondering Awe

I was lucky enough to spend a few days in Vienna, a really wonderful city steeped in history and culture. I  enjoyed good food, good music and lots of delicious cake and of course I took every opportunity to capture sights around the city with my camera. I have lots of pictures to sort through and work on but I knew that I would post this as my first blog picture from the trip because it is probably my favourite shot from the weekend and it tells such a lovely story.

Although it was very cold it was a beautifully sunny morning, perfect for a stroll around the Volksgarten, near the Hofburg and Parliament buildings. I had been sitting on the other side of the park people watching when I heard the sound of buskers so I went to take a closer look, as I turned the corner I saw the little girl standing in awe and wonderment as she tried to make sense of the masked musicians. She was poised to put a coin in the tray but held back and moments after the shutter clicked she turned and ran back to her parents. I love this shot and the story it tells.

NB: I wouldn't normally take pictures of other people's children without asking but I was careful to avoid capturing the child's face so she is not identifiable. As for the buskers, I don't speak Deer or Horse so I couldn't ask them. 

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