Tuesday 10 March 2020

Cat and Mouse

Yesterday I shared a couple of the first pictures taken using my newest lens and today I am sharing two of the very last pictures taken with the old 150-600 mm Tamron lens that I traded in...

I had been doing some washing up and looking out into the garden I spotted a little mouse scurrying around beneath the bird feeders helping himself to a tasty meal from the seeds that had fallen to the ground. What he didn't realise was that as well as me watching his every move was being followed by the neighbour's cat Rosie who was poised on top of our shed. I went for my camera never really expecting to get a clear shot and as I opened the door to the garden the little mouse shot into this crack in the wall leaping straight up and disappearing inside. I realised there was a pile of soil at the base of the wall indicating that the mouse has probably made a nest in a hollow behind the wall.

I figured that it would have to come out eventually so I waited a few minutes as quietly and still as I could and then I was rewarded as it slowly popped its head out and then came out to go feed some more allowing me just enough time to get this cute portrait. 

All the while Rosie watched intently but couldn't muster the energy or enthusiasm to make a move so the little mouse was safe for another day. 

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