Monday 16 March 2020

One Man and His Dog...

So when you saw the title of this post what did you think? 

Sheep dog trials perhaps. As I write that it amazes me that for 23 years between 1976 and 1999 Sheep Dog Trials was prime time TV in the UK, described as a BBC gem it had 8 million viewers in its heyday. But the flocks in this image are not sheep but birds and there's no chance of herding them...

I thought this was a nice scene with the twitcher out on the sands focused on the flock of wading birds gradually coming closer as the tide rolled in. I really like the way the dog is standing focused in the same way as his companion completely still so as not to scare the birds away.

I also really like the layers of colour and light in this scene and the way the wind turbines seem to hover on the horizon.

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