Friday 17 December 2021

Making a Mark


These shots were taken in the Black Forest just outside of the town of Triberg. I had gone to see the waterfalls which are famed as one of the highest in Germany.

I had been once before in March 2015 with my son, however on that occasion due to the snow the paths to the falls were closed and I didn't get to see them. I had hoped to see them during my recent visit in November, before the winter snow arrived. However, following recent heavy rains the paths were once again closed. 

I was of course a little disappointed although the forest is so beautiful and the drive through the mountains to get there had been lots of fun. I was determined not to let that setback ruin my day and enjoyed a walk in the forest before heading into town for some hot chocolate and a piece of cake, and a little shopping.

I loved walking in the forest, surrounded by the variety of trees, I immersed myself in the sights, sounds and smells of the woodland in winter. I took lots of photos that captured some of the magic of the experience and along the way I spotted this mile marker a little way off the main path in the trees. I tried to imagine the people from years past who would have used this stone as a guide along their journey and wondered what life in the forest might have been like. 

The colours in the forest at this time of year were rich and varied and in these images I have used the masking tool in Adobe Lightroom to highlight the stone and separate it from the background using a variety of settings. I like all three images, not only because they help me recall a wonderful day out but also because they look good. As well as the richness of the colours I love the texture of the stone that has weathered over so many years exposure to the elements.

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