Sunday 3 April 2022

Night Skies 2


So here are two more night sky shots from South Stack Lighthouse. They were taken about an hour apart, the first one was a 20 second exposure (ISO 1600,  17mm  F6.3) and the second was a tracked shot with a 60 second exposure (ISO 1600, 17mm F/4.0)

The camera is pointed almost due west and you can see the constellations of Cancer (centre) Hydra (left of centre) and Leo  upper left.

Depending on how large you are viewing these images it is possible to make out a blue cluster of stars (Praesepe) about 3/4 of the way up just right of centre in the first image.

In the second image you can see how the constellations have moved further to the right as the night has progressed.

The bright white light on the horizon in the second image is a Holyhead to Dublin ferry.

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