Thursday 19 May 2022

Native Blue

 There is something special about walking in the woods in spring when you are surrounded by beautiful flowers and the heady smell of the bluebells. I remember walking on Bluebell Hill near Maidstone with my parents and seeing masses of these flowers and then for years I don't recall seeing them in any numbers, perhaps I just wasn't looking. A few years ago I went to Skomer to photograph the Puffins and other seabirds and large parts of the island  were completely covered in Bluebells and that was the first time I really appreciated not just the flower itself but the wonderful smell, the air was filled with it. It was a perfect day and is a wonderful memory.

These two shots were taken at Boilton Woods near Preston. I have a few more images from a little closer to home at Burton Mere which no doubt I will share if I get round to uploading them.

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