Sunday 26 June 2022

Water Colour

 I have decided to post something abstract for today. I wonder whether you can tell what this is...

The clue is in the title.

It is not a watercolour painting, it is the colours of water, created by throwing a rock into the river and photographing the moment of impact, or the moment just after impact. I love to do this because it always throws up some interesting images and with a selective crop and little colour adjustment I think I have created a really cool abstract image. 

Each time you look at the image different things stand out, for example I can see at least three different types of animal, I can see a black faced sheep, a little yellow gecko, and a little duck chick (or maybe a little rubber duck). As the water is thrown upwards and outwards it catches the light and it looks like brush strokes.

Next time you are by the river why not try top capture something like this, you might be surprised by the results.

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