Saturday 23 July 2022

City of Lincoln


A couple of weeks ago I went to Mere Sands Woods hoping to do a bit of wildlife photography. I was disappointed by the lack of birds on the lake so I just walked around the woodland and stopped at a spot overlooking some fields and enjoyed a break in the sun.

Over in the distance I could hear the planes doing their displays at the Southport Air Show and was beginning to think I should have gone there instead when In the distance I heard the low rumble of four Rolls Royce Merlin Engines powering the Avro Lancaster from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight based at Coningsby in Lincolnshire. This is one of only 2 Lancasters that are airworthy. 

Having lived for some years in close proximity to Coningsby I was lucky to be able to see this magnificent aircraft on many occasions and I always get a thrill when I see it now. 

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