Sunday 24 July 2022

Race For The Prize

 I wouldn't normally post some many pictures in one go but as i have added an album of pictures already to my Facebook page I thought I would go for a selection of my favourites and let you follow the link above to see the rest of the shots that go with this selection.

This weekend has seen the National Sand yacht regatta hosted at Hoylake. I was at a bit of a loss trying to think of something to do, the weather wasn't too great and I also didn't want to travel too far so I walked down to the local beach. I could see the yachts way out on the beach and warning notices everywhere that racing was in progress so I marched off across the sand to see what was what.

I could tell as I approached that there were no spectators and started to worry that I would be in the way. I am not a normally outgoing person so I was also a little nervous about how I would approach a bunch of strangers focused on their sport. I needn't have worried. 

I was greeted warmly and the participants were happy to talk about the sport, the rules, the speeds, the risks and some of the international events they have been to. They were happy to let me photograph the event and even offered to take me down to different spots where I could get some good shots. I couldn't have felt more welcome and I am so glad I made the effort to go see.

I was amazed that the competitors were not young men, there were men and women mostly around my age but some of them were much older, one guy a several time champion in his class and running second in this years championship was 78 years old. That is pretty impressive when you think these craft will travel over 60mph and in places they will even completely leave the ground. It is definitely not for the faint hearted.

This was also my first proper attempt to photograph a sporting event, I am pleased with the results so if you do like the images above please click the link to my facebook page to see more.

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