Sunday 20 November 2022

Something Sticky


Earlier this year I had very few new pictures to share and that was really frustrating. I wasn't getting out nearly enough with one thing or another so I felt like things were drying up a little bit. More recently I have been out, photographing all manner of things; fast jets, sand yachts, landscapes, star trails, medieval architecture, woodlands and beaches and now I have so much stuff I don't know what to post, I have felt a little stuck.

So if you will pardon the pun, I thought I would share something sticky and what is more sticky than a stick? I can hear the groans now, sorry.

These shots were taken on a recent walk in a Welsh forest on a cold day early in November. The light was not the best but every  now and then as the winter sun managed to break through the clouds there were moments when the woodland colours shone through the grey.

The forest was mostly pine so there wasn't a lot of colour but I thought these pine cones, mosses and lichens made for interesting images which I hope you will enjoy. 

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