Saturday 10 December 2022

Beach Life (Stranger on the Shore)

 I have a little more time on my hands right now and one of the things I aim to do is give a lot more attention to my photography and hopefully make this blog a more regular feature. When I started it, way back in September 2014 I intended to make it a daily thing and for some time I managed that. But then other things got in the way and to some extent the pressure of blogging every day, finding something to post actually became counter productive. I wasn't always happy with the pictures I shared and over time the gaps between posts got longer.

I want to post more regularly but I also want the images I share to be worth sharing and I want to see a progression in my photography and editing skills. So let's see how that goes... One of the things I also did in the early days of this blog was to post links to music that somehow connected to the images and I think I will revive that (although not every time I post something), it won't necessarily reflect my tastes in music but hopefully will have some relevance to the post.

A few weeks ago I went for a walk out to the waters edge on the beach at Hoylake and then I followed the beach around to West Kirby. I took lots of pictures of people and things, in all I walked about 8 miles. It was nice to watch other people out on the beach, dog walkers, couples out for a stroll and families having fun. 

The couple in the first image caught my eye, they were sat for ages just looking out across the beach from Red Rocks (this area is normally covered by the tide), towards Hilbre Island; I wondered what their story was, I walked closer to get the shot, but I did not intrude.  

As I was preparing this post I thought about the following tune that I remember as a child (it was released before I was born and was the biggest selling single in the UK in 1962 (how times have changed)) it is a very mellow tune that fits with the atmosphere of this first picture.

The second shot shows some of the people walking around the marine lake silhouetted against the "warm" winter sky. It is good to walk around the lake, and when the tide is in it is quite an experience to be surrounded on all sides by water.

I love living so close to the sea and having the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful coastline. 

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