Showing posts with label Water lily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water lily. Show all posts

Monday, 19 June 2023


 Here are four views of a water lily. They are all the same flowerbut the first monochrome shot is from a different angle, the other three images are different treatments of the same original shot. I have cropped them differently and adjusted the exposure and white balance.

Initially I had really liked the final image, then I thought I liked the second of the three variations however on reflection I think I much prefer the first of the three images with the whole flower in shot as it has better balance and I love the colours.

I think the monochrome image is really effective but for a subject like this I think colour definitely wins out.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Water Lily

For today I am posting another picture from Bodnant Gardens, I definitely have a thing for water lilies,  a bit weird you might think but they are really wonderful.  In this picture I love the shape, the colour and the reflection.  It was a perfect day with the surface of the pond perfectly still so the reflection is really sharp.  It was taken with my old 70 - 300 mm telephoto fully extended and hand held.  I wish I'd had my tripod for added stability to get an even sharper image but I am still happy with this and I hope that you like it too...

water lily