Friday 3 October 2014

Water Lily

For today I am posting another picture from Bodnant Gardens, I definitely have a thing for water lilies,  a bit weird you might think but they are really wonderful.  In this picture I love the shape, the colour and the reflection.  It was a perfect day with the surface of the pond perfectly still so the reflection is really sharp.  It was taken with my old 70 - 300 mm telephoto fully extended and hand held.  I wish I'd had my tripod for added stability to get an even sharper image but I am still happy with this and I hope that you like it too...

water lily

1 comment:

  1. Telephoto shots are always difficult because the focal length tends to accentuate any instability when not using a tripod. Nice photo, the tightness of the shot, the stillness of the water and the sharpness of the reflection make the colour and the form of the water lilly really stand out.
